Boost Your Views.
Reward the Community.

Upload or Create amazing thumbnails using AI, and let the Community choose the best one!

friends image

Empowering Creators,
One Thumbnail at a Time

Upload Your Content or Generate Thumbnails using AI and Let the Community Decide!

Let's go!

Cast Your Vote,
Shape the Spotlight

Shape the Fate of Creators' Content and Decide What Goes Viral!

Vote now!

Rewarding Your Influence,
One Vote at a Time

Earn rewards for Shaping the Content Landscape and Deciding What Gets Seen

See your rewards!

How it Works

Creators upload or create their content thumbnails and set a reward. The community then votes on the best thumbnail, with a limited number of votes available, and earns a share of the reward for participating. The creator now know what the community wants and can use the winning thumbnail for their content for better reach.

ClickPaid © 2024